What Does Wholistic Mean?

Enjoying a dessert that is locally made for a special occasion is just as important, and a part of wholistic living, as is eating organic veggies with your meals. Wholistic living is looking at the whole picture, in terms of your life, and finding inspiration and the right balance for you and your family. It is not about finding perfection in following healthy rules and guidelines.

Wholistic Living is about:

  • Cultivating an awareness of what feels right to you. It should feel good, inspiring & uplifting.
  • Removing the monotony from our daily lives and creating small meaningful rituals for yourself. For example, establishing a morning ritual that feels special & personal to you.
  • Becoming aware of what you’re consuming on a day to day basis and begin recognizing what is actually serving you and what is not. This includes not only food but also on a mental and emotional level, as well as your environment.

If our daily habits & environment aren’t serving us, this can create wear and tear on us and affect us from functioning optimally. The idea is to focus on adjusting our daily habits so that they better serve us rather than focusing at what we are not doing.

My intention with this website is for a person to come here for inspiration and suggestions on how to infuse more love and care into our crazy, hectic and busy lives. It is easy for us to get wrapped up in our daily tasks and go on autopilot. It is good to find ways to slow down and enjoy life as it happens. We do not want to rush through life and realize one day that we forgot to live!